Awards and Honors:
Sloan Consortium -2013: The Frank Mayadas Leadership Award,
The Theodore Hesburgh Award -1995
The Boeing Award -1995,
The Pew Charitable Trust Prize
-1996 .
Army -2001: Outstanding Civilian Service Medal
by the United States
Army for service to the Army Education program.
A Fellow of American Physical Society
-named in 1998,
Named a Fellow of the National Online Consortium
covered in
Bloomberg News. August 4, 2015 The OLC Press release is
National officer of the American Physical Society
(APS), the
American Institute of Physics (AIP), and the American Assn. of Physics
Teachers (AAPT).
Distinguished Service Citation -1995,
Am. Association of Physics Teachers
National Academy
of Science and National Research Council study committees and task
forces: service as either a member or chair of several committees (Research
on Physics Ed)
ECS: He was appointed in 2005, by Governor Mitt Romney, as a
Massachusetts Commissioner to the
Education Commission of the States and re-appointed by Governor
Deval Patrick.
FBI -2011:
Exceptional Service in the Public Interest
Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council:
Workforce Leader of the Year -2010
Massachusetts All Star 2005:
High Tech Magazine 2005
Good Scout Award 2010 by the Knox
Trail Council of the Boy Scouts of America; Nov. 2010
Massachusetts Network Communication Council
2005: "Long term contributions to the industry"
Videos Online:
UMass Medical School Tribute 2011
Wilson on Entrepreneurship in Mass High Tech Magazine
Future I Imagined"
NECN: On the
Times of London Rankings short teaser
On the Times of London and UMass Reputation
UMass Law
On Leaving UMass and becoming interim President of the Edward M Kennedy
Institute for the United States Senate
"On Stewardship"
at the 2010 UMass Lowell Commencement
Boston Venture
Center Opening with Keith Motley
NECN: Globe Reports: "I
have accomplished what I set out to do."
UMass and Its Role in the Economy
Public Universities and the Recession, Edward M Kennedy Institute
Funding Allows Fee Rebate
"Getting Into and
Paying for College" hosted by WBZ
"What is Stem
Education" at UMass Lowell
Edward M Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate Groundbreaking
Topping Off the Albert Sherman Center at UMass Medical School
The University of Massachusetts: Truly World Class

Recent Presentations:
Jack Wilson: “Lean
Launch, Business Models & Technological Entrepreneurship;"
BioTechEast Workshop; UMass Lowell, June 6, 2019
UMass Lowell
Commencement Speech May 18, 2019 Jack M. Wilson
the Future of Higher Education;" State University System of
Florida Board of Governors Task Force on Strategic Planning for
Online Education; Tampa, FL; June 16, 2015.
profile as an innovator could reach new levels;" Boston Globe
Jan. 26, 2015; -Op-ed on cyber-security, big data, and how to
harness the incredible academic and private sector resources here to
solve an important problem and bolster our research based economy.
in the talent and innovation future of Mass" Op-Ed co-authored
with Bill Guenther, CEO of Mass Insight; Boston Business Journal;
March 20, 2015.
"Evolving Learner Centered Environments;"
Next Generation
Learning Spaces Conference Nashville, Tennessee February 24,
Advanced Cyber Security Center-Research Consortium;" ACSC;
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; Boston MA; November 5, 2014.
"The Dreaded
and Most Important Talk: Financials;" -Everyone wants universities
to change, but exactly how is not so clear;
New Directions in
Online Learning San Diego, California October 30, 2014.
"University-Industry-Government Research Context," MassInsight,
Conference on Innovation Partnership Networks. Boston, MA, 19 June
"On Entrepreneurship Education -Insights," University of
Massachusetts, Conference on Entrepreneurship Education, Boston, MA
June 16, 2014
in a Time of Change," Distinguished Lecture Series, Univ. of
Central Florida, January 30, 2014.
"Will Physics Lead,
Follow, or Get Out of the Way?" Univ. of Central
Florida Physics Department
Colloquium, January 31, 2014.
Radical Change
in Higher Education: Will Physics lead, follow, or get out of
the way? APS/AAPT Conference on Distance Education and Online
Learning; College Park, MD June 1, 2013 <abstract>
The Myth of MOOCs (See also my
comments on the
report on edX)
Innovations in eLearning:
MOOCs and Beyond;
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Annual Colloquium on Teaching and
Learning; Troy, NY April 19, 2013
University Professional and Continuing Education Assn.; "High
Expectations-No Money: Universities WILL Change the World;"
Boston, MA; April 4, 2013
U.S. Dept. Of Education FIPSE Directors Meeting: "Will
FIPSE Lead the Next (R)Evolution?" Washington, DC; March
26, 2013
The University of Pennsylvania
Education Leadership Conference: Innovation in an Era of Disruptive
The Association of American Colleges and Universities, Atlanta
GA: The
Digital Revolution... or Evolution: How Universities are Changing.
Sloan-C Conference, Orlando FL, Online Education:
Evolution or
Inside Higher Ed;
Chronicle of Higher Education
White House Conference on the Innovative University: , White
House, Wash. DC, "Higher
Education Innovation, and Entrepreneurship In Focus"
Am. Society for Engineering Education Deans Conference,
Washington, DC
Massachusetts Green High
Performance Computing Center
New York State Board of Regents Committee:
Online Learning-A Strategic Tool
New England-Canada Business Council:
Innovation/Growing Partnerships;
Universities and Economic Development-A National Perspective
The LearnLinc Story (doc)
The LearnLinc Story