Accomplishments at UMass
While he is most proud of the achievements that the University has made
in teaching, research, and service -setting records in enrollment,
student quality, applications, financial aid, endowment, research
volume, and commercialization of intellectual property from research -
he is particularly proud that he was able to launch a number of new
initiatives at the University during his eight year term including:
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC)
-a joint venture with MIT, Harvard, Boston University, Northeastern,
The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Study of the Senate (EMKInst)
The President's Science and Technology Fund (PS&T)
-that generated a 30 to 1 ROI in the first year and has continued to
grow research to over $536 million in 2010.
Three NSF Engineering Research Centers (ERC) and an NSF Math Science
Partnership (MSP)
The President's Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property (CVIP)
Technologies Fund
- stimulating commercialization of University Research and moving us
into the top ten in 2009.
The President's Creative Economy Fund (CEF)
Conducted a $1.6 Billion Capital Building Program and planned $2.9 B
-includes several new dorms, an award winning co-generation power
plant, new research buildings and new classroom buildings.
The University of Massachusetts School of Law at Dartmouth- The
first public law school in Massachusetts history.
The University of Massachusetts Club with over 1000 members at 225
Franklin St, Boston-UMassClub
Major Accomplishments at RPI
Founded the Harlan Andersen Center for Innovation in
Undergraduate Education
Created the award winning interactive high tech
classrooms -The
Studio Classrooms.
Won the
The Theodore Hesburgh Award -1995
Won the
The Pew Charitable Trust Prize
Launched a major effort in "Continuous
With grants from NSF, FIPSE, IBM, AT&T and others he
created the first network based full video, audio, chat,
screen sharing, and interactive learning system.
He spun that research into a company,
ILinc, and
then took it through three rounds of venture capital
into a public company listed on the NASDAQ exchange as
Mentergy which had a market value of about $500 million
in March 2000 after he sold it.
Served as the J. Erik Jonsson '22 Distinguished
Professor of Physics, Engineering Science, Information
Technology, and Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Served at various times as Dean of the Faculty, Dean of
the Graduate School, Dean of the Undergraduate School,
and Dean of Continuing Education.
Served as interim Provost for two years during the
Presidential Transition.

By The Numbers:
Changes Over his Eight Year Term as President
of UMass (2003-2011)
Student Enrollment: Up 18%
Fall 2003: 57,853 >> Fall 2010: 68,315 (+18 percent))
Degrees Conferred: Up 29%
Academic Year 2002-2003: 10,701 >> Academic Year 2009-2010:
13,803 (+29 percent)
UMass Spending On Financial Aid:
Up 267%
FY 2003: $36 million >> FY 2011: $131.5 million (+267 percent)
Research Funding: Up 69%
FY 2003: $320 million >> FY 2010: $541 million (+69 percent)
Intellectual Property Income: Up 105%
FY 2003: $20 million >> FY 2010: $41 million (+105 percent)
Endowment: Up 247%
June 30, 2003: $146 million >> December 31, 2010: $507 million
(+247 percent)
Total University Budget:
Up 87%
FY 2003: $1.5 billion >> FY 2011: $2.8 billion (+87 percent)
UMassOnline Revenue:
Up 1766%
Fiscal Year 2001 $3 million >>
FY 2010: $56 million
Jack Wilson appointed CEO of UMOL in 2001
UMassOnline Enrollment:
Up 814%
Fiscal Year 2001: 5,009 course enrollments
>> FY 2010: 45,815 course enrollments
SAT/GPA (UMass Amherst): Up 2.6% and 10% respectively
Fall 2003: 1,137; 3.28 >>
Fall 2010: 1167; 3.61
(SAT +2.6 percent; GPA +10 percent)
Overall Fundraising:
Original Graph appeared in
Boston Globe article
