up the state's economy with brain power." January 2, 2005 |
- "Massachusetts’
profile as an innovator could reach new levels"
Boston Globe, Jan. 26, 2015.
As a new governor
enters office, it’s time to think boldly and
differently about Massachusetts’ place in the world
- "To
ex-UMass chief, meeting Mandela was a life highlight;"
Telegram &
Gazette Dec. 9, 2013. "Seven years after former
University of Massachusetts President Jack M. Wilson
met Nelson Mandela, Mr. Wilson still sounds in awe
of the late South African leader."
At Conference, Leaders
of ‘Traditional’ Online Learning Meet Upstart Free
Chronicle of Higher Education; October 11, 2012
“If we had 10-percent completion rates at
UMass Online, I’d be in the Massachusetts jail
instead of the Massachusetts university,” he joked.
He praised the new entrants for bringing attention
to the value of online education, but said that “is
not who has led online learning, or who is going to
lead online learning.”
UMass Prez Wilson chips in for $2.1M scholarship fund in his own name
Boston Business Journal:
Jack Wilson on Leaving a Legacy
Boston Business Journal -MassHighTech:
Dr. Wilson established the
Jack M. Wilson Presidential
Scholarship Fund with a gift of an Insurance Policy worth
$1,775,000 -funded with performance bonuses that he was
to have received under his contracts over the years. To that was
added $230,000 from a dinner honoring his retirement as President and
another $120,000 raised during his inauguration. The total value
of the Scholarship fund at his retirement as President in July of 2011 was
over $2.1 million.
M. Wilson appointed as President and CEO of the
Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States
Mass Live:
UMass President Helps Establish Scholarship
of Mass. to name scholarship fund recognizing public
service in honor of President Jack Wilson"
June 2, 2011.
UMass leader to step down: Wilson
reshaped 5 campuses as ‘one university’ Boston Globe March 1, 2010. http://www.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2010/03/01/umass_president_jack_wilson_to_step_down_in_2011/
UMass’ Jack Wilson on leaving a legacy;
Mass High Tech The Journal of New England Technology; August 4, 2010.
Outgoing UMass
President Jack Wilson wins praise for boosting
university's stature;"
Springfield Republican July 8, 2011.
Boston Globe; "Revving
up the state's economy with brain power." (Version
on Boston.com); January 2, 2005. "I
like to say the path to economic in Massachusetts
goes through UMass."
University of
Massachusetts Honors Nelson Mandela With Honorary
BusinessWire; Feb. 26, 2006. "President Wilson,
who is visiting South Africa with a UMass academic
delegation, was welcomed to the country by Nelson
Mandela, who said he appreciated the University's
long-standing commitment to the people of South
Africa and their struggle for democracy. Mr. Mandela
referred to the contribution made by UMass toward
addressing South Africa's social challenges,
especially in the fields of HIV/AIDS, youth
education and technology. He also thanked the
university for undertaking important historical work
about the freedom struggle."
UMass Pledges $130 Million in Financial Aid to Students;
Herald , Feb 14, 2011.
UMass Research Funding Reaches Record;
Globe, Feb. 10, 2011.
UMass Research Funding Breaks $500 Million;
Feb. 9, 2011.
UMass Sets New Research Spending Record:
Feb. 7 2011.
UMass Ranks Eight Among U.S. Universities for Tech Income;
. 20, 2010.

Chronicle of Higher Ed;
Studio Classrooms 3/31/1995
- UMass President Jack Wilson announces 'substantial agreement' on
Holyoke computer center;
Springfield Republican; Thursday, October 01,
- Former site of Mastex Industries chosen as home for Holyoke's high performance
computing center; Springfield Republican: Published: Monday, August
09, 2010 <Local
Copy> or
UMass Officials Hope To Pick New President Thursday; WGBH
Boston, January 13, 2011
UMass President Jack Wilson tells Massachusetts legislators Deval Patrick's
budget leaves university $54.5 million short; Springfield
Republican February 22, 2011
- OP-EDS- Opinion and Editorials
- The Boston Herald: Top of the class
within reach; October 15, 2005; By Blenda Wilson and Jack M. Wilson;
President Wilson and Blenda Wilson, CEO and President of the Nellie Mae
Education Foundation, co-chair the Great Schools Campaign’s Higher Education
Task Force on K-12 Math and Science.
- The Republican:
State could become math, science mecca;" October 16, 2005; By Blenda
Wilson and Jack Wilson; Math and science achievement must be improved in our
public schools to keep America competitive with the rest of the world.
- The Boston Globe: "Beyond
stem cells;" By Jack M. Wilson; January 29, 2005; The World is
rushing toward a new era in biotechnology, and Massachusetts is among the
leaders -- for the moment. Can we keep that leadership? While stem cell research
has become the poster child for biotechnology, there is much other research on
the horizon with exciting potential.
- The Springfield Republican;
Research, innovation can generate prosperity
(Sunday, 8/01/2004, ); by Jack M. Wilson

Wall Street Journal ILinc Article 8/6/1996

Newsweek Article:
Classrooms April 29, 1996

Educom Review March/April 1997:
Distance Learning for Continuous Education

Will the Ivory Tower Survive the Electronic Village
Editorial Educom Review March/April 1997
National Press Quoting Jack M. Wilson:
Boston Globe: "UMass
Lowell receives $1.6m in donations;" June 3, 2016; "The third
donor is Jack M. Wilson, president emeritus of the University of Massachusetts
and UMass Lowell distinguished professor of higher education, emerging
technologies, and innovation. Wilson and his wife, Judi, gifted $275,000 to
underwrite the President Jack M. Wilson Center for Entrepreneurship and
Innovation at the Manning School of Business."
Boston Globe: "UMass
takes on the challenging online market; Dec. 30, 2017; "UMassOnline
was launched in 2001 under the leadership of
Jack M. Wilson, who
was recruited from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to take up that task.
Wilson became UMass president in 2003 and served in that job until 2011.
Boston Globe "Massachusetts’
profile as an innovator could reach new levels;" Jack M. Wilson
January 26, 2015 "Making investments in building research centers across
the state could generate an economic impact that would help boost local
innovation outside of Boston and Cambridge. And there’s no question that
successful research centers would attract additional investment from leading
companies around the country and the world."
USA Today: "Whenever
he called, he had done his homework," Wilson said. "I really think that
he helped (higher education institutions) survive and thrive. … That is our
natural resource. We don't have oil, coal or good weather, but we do have
great universities." on Edward M. Kennedy.
- MassHighTech Magazine; "Touting
2005's Top Life Science Luminaries;"
MHT Text; Dyke Hendrickson; Dec 19-25, 2005.
- "High Tech All-Stars;"
Dec 2005.
- "Medical
school propels UMass atop state tech-transfer list;" Dec 5, 2005.
- "Biomed
Rounds: A few thoughts about movers who make up the biospace ;" Nov 7,
- "UMass
president says $1 million in seed funds leads to $7 million more;"
September 13, 2005.
- "UMass
to extend partnership with Natick Soldier Center; August 15, 2005.
- "Tufts
prof named to lead UMass-Boston;" May 23, 2005.
- "UMass
is transforming online learning experiences into lifetime opportunities;"April
25, 2005.
- "UMass
makes it two years in row for $1M tech funding" February 21, 2005.
- Boston Globe; "Revving
up the state's economy with brain power." (Version
on Boston.com); January 2, 2005.
- Chronicle of Higher Education:
Some Successes in Online-Learning Ventures
; Feb. 21, 2003.
- Chronicle of Higher Education:
Alliance Backed by Oxford, Stanford, and Yale Offers Courses to the Public
; Sept. 6, 2003.
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "Distance-Education
Alliance Backed by Oxford, Stanford, and Yale Will Offer Courses to the
Public;" Chronicle of Higher Ed.; August 22, 2002. Jack
M. Wilson, the chief executive officer of UMassOnline, has his doubts about
the strategy. Although AllLearn is trying to market its association with
elite universities, that doesn't always work. "There is a
misunderstanding about 'brand' -- it doesn't equate to prestige at
all," he says, adding that the best-known food brands in the United
States are McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and the most popular higher-education
brand is the University of Phoenix. Developing a brand involves
"consistently delivering what they say they are going to deliver."
Mr. Wilson had heard rumors that the alliance was going to start offering
courses to the public. "My initial response is that maybe they haven't
had the success that they thought they would," he says. "They see
this as a way to get people in the door with the hopes that there would be
more business there."
- C-Net News.com: "Peterson's
Teams with UMassOnline to Increase Student Access to Distance Learning
Opportunities;" C-Net news.com; August 19, 2002.
- Collegiate Presswire: "University
of Massachusetts Advances Distance Learning Programs with Live eLearning and
Collaboration Platform from Centra;" Collegiate Presswire; July 29,
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "Prospects
for "For-Profit" Distance Education Spin-offs." December
2001. Making a virtue of necessity, we began to see articles talking
about why a model that had students typing at one another was superior to
students talking to one another. Clearly the ALN model has been an
enormous contribution to the community, but it is very likely that far
richer models will emerge. The fundamental power of the internet arises from
the ability for human beings to interact in very robust ways. These
interactions may be with other human beings or with powerful interactive
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "Debating
the Demise of NYUonline" Chronicle of Higher Education;
December 14, 2001."What really failed at NYUOnline was the notion of
doing this as a spinoff for-profit, separate from the university," he
says. "I've been in the venture-capital business, and most investors
don't want to be a partner with a big educational institution. It's just not
the kind of investments they make."
- NY Times:
Virtual Classroom: Colleges face tough questions about using technology to
teach more students. Can video lectures and E-mail offer the give-and-take
of real learning? By Rosalie Stemer; The New York Times, Sunday, January
8, 1995, Education Life, pp. 39-41. In response to former NJ Governor
Kean's comment about the student on one end of a log and the teacher on the
other: "The log might have to be an electronic log. You could bring the
students to the classroom electronically. I would argue the students meet
the faculty every time they come to class."
- NY Times: "Rensselaer
Institute Tries Innovations in Teaching;" By Karen Arenson; October 9,
1996. Many
colleges talk about improving undergraduate education, but experts on
academia say that few have done as much about it as Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, a science and engineering university near Albany.
- Newsweek: "What to chop;"
April 29, 1996. Besides cutting costs and raising fees, some schools are
using the financial crisis to invent better ways of accomplishing old tasks.
"Attendance was poor and attention was poorer."
- Business Week: "THE
NEW UNIVERSITY A tough market is reshaping colleges;" Dec. 22, 1997.
Wilson quote: "We concluded that we were never going to compete on
price, so we had to produce an experience of demonstrably higher
- The Scientist: "Six
Steps To More Effective Science Teaching;" By Ricki Lewis;
January 6, 1992. "A nonscience-majors' course has got to reflect the
flavor of the science as it is being done, and how a scientist works,
because this is the last opportunity these students will have to look at it."
"There is a tremendous gulf between what we tell students about and
what is really happening in science. Students are 100 years behind the rest
of science,"
- The Washington Post: "Physics
Teachers' Association Is Moving to U-Md. Campus;" March 1, 1984.
- Business Today: "Officials
release plan to boost state's economy;" BusinessToday.com; October
9, 2002. "It's infrastructure that creates the regional identity,"
- Smart Business: "Brain
Gain;" By Nick Montfort; November 2000.
- The Christian Science Monitor: "The
Freshman Year Reinvented;" MAY 5, 1998.
- The Christian Science Monitor: "The
performing professor. Physics students pay attention when he walks over hot
coals;" Nov. 17, 1986.
- The Christian Science Monitor: "College
from the ground up;" Nov 23, 1999.
- PC Magazine, "Classroom
Computing;" November 3, 1998.
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "Debating
the Demise of NYUonline: Did the venture go under because of the
changing economy or bad decisions?" December 14, 2001.
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "A
Digest of Recent Corporate News in Distance Education: UMassOnline, the
distance-education branch of the University of Massachusetts, will use
software from Prometheus and IntraLearn to create a portal allowing students
to manage their online courses." October 9, 2001.
- Chronicle of Higher Education: "New
Head of UMassOnline Says the 'Student Experience' Can Be Preserved;"
March 9, 2001.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "Pew
Grants to Focus on Classroom Technology;" July 2, 1999.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "New
Pew Grants to Encourage Technology in Courses With Large Enrollments;"
June 16, 1999.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "'Studio'
Classrooms: Rensselaer uses computers to replace large lectures in
introductory courses;" By Thomas J. DeLoughry; March 31, 1995.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "Freshman
Physics Students Escape Lecture;" August 10, 1994.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "Designing
Tomorrow's High-Tech Classroom: Curricula and facilities are re-examined for
best ways to take advantage of new tools;" By David L. Wilson;
March 17, 1993.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "New
Computer Package Provides a Flexible Tool for Teaching Physics Concepts to
Non-Majors: System being developed at University of Maryland allows
professors to modify traditional courses" By David L. Wilson;
September 25, 1991.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed.: "TEACHING
WITH TECHNOLOGY Freshman Physics Students Escape Lecture;" By
Jeremy Bogaisky; August 10, 1994.
- Entrepreneur Magazine: "Earning
Curve: Entrepreneurship programs at universities nationwide have
capital-hungry business owners heading back to school." December 1998.
- AAPT Announcer: "The
Role, Education, and Qualifications of the High School Physics Teacher;"
High School Physics - Views from AAPT; Published by American Association of
Physics Teachers.
- Capital District Business Review; "RPI
to revamp IT degree work;" Claire Hughes; January 5, 1998 print
- IBM: Multimedia
revs up educational process at Rensselaer.
- Capital District Business Review; "ILINC's
new president aims to connect with largest firms;" January 19, 1998
print edition.
- Investors Business Daily: "Will a Computer with CD-ROM Replace
your Anthropology 101 Prof?" Feb. 1, 1994. Wilson quote: "A
student has to construct his or her own understanding of the material.
The only way this happens is if they have to wrestle with it
- Science Magazine; "New Modes for Making Scientists;" Nov.
4, 1994. Wilson Quote: "We pretended to teach them and they
pretended to learn."
Mass High Tech magazine;
Guest Commentary: Massachusetts science, tech strategy should include its public
university system; 8/2/2004. By Jack Wilson
The Springfield Republican;
Research, innovation can generate prosperity
(Sunday, 8/01/2004, ); by Jack M. Wilson
Chronicle of Higher Education; ;
Wheaton College's
New Leader Is Also a Cellist; Michigan Tech President Resigns Under Fire;
Administrator Who Holds Fake Doctorate Keeps Deanship at College of the Ozarks
Chronicle of Higher Education;
Sense and
CXO Monthly: Strategy,
Operations & Results for Higher Education Published by Eduventures, Inc. July
2003 No. 3
NewsConference Sunday;
A debate on Higher Education Reorganization
between Secretary of Education Designate, Peter Nessen, and Jack Wilson on
Sunday March 16, 2003.
Boston Globe "The
UMass President's Office: Is it worth the $5.6 million cost?"
March 16, 2003
- Mass High Tech Magazine:
Education without boundaries;
Feb 17, 2003. “A
campus program can draw students from a local geographic area, but an online
program can draw students worldwide,”
- Mass High Tech Magazine:
Changing needs, access keep the market moving;
Feb 17, 2003.
“The university continues to see positive growth and positive return on
investment. In fact, in its second year of operation UMass Online has served
more than 10,000 students and averaged a yearly growth rate of 56 percent. And
students are clamoring for more courses and degree programs.