Principles of Entrepreneurship and Innovation  ENTR.3000         [2024 Fall Syllabus]    [2024 Fall Schedule]     [Term Project-Hybrid Business Plan]

    - Jack M Wilson, Ph.D.,  President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Higher Education, Emerging Technologies and Innovation

Jack M. Wilson
Jack M. Wilson, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Higher Education
Emerging Technologies, and Innovation
Pulichino-Tong 220C
Web link:


Fall 2024 Course Times: Online with weekly assignments.  Optional online live chat each Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm from September4 to November10.


Course Description-Catalog: Catalog: ENTR.3000 Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Formerly ENTR/64.3000)   This course is designed to help business and non-business students understand the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship in today’s global economy and cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among students in the Manning School of Business entrepreneurship concentration. It will cover different forms of entrepreneurship such as small businesses, growth ventures, corporate entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. The course will focus on the types of innovation, turning innovation into an ongoing new venture and on the entrepreneurial process. Innovation and entrepreneurship theories and concepts will be discussed with real life examples and cases.   Pre-requisite: Sophomore level or higher.


Course Overview: After successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Understand and articulate the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship on community and economic development;

  •  Develop an awareness and understanding of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process;

  • Know the three models of entrepreneurial development: Causal, Effectual, and Lean Launchpad

  • Integrate entrepreneurial thinking and problem-solving into their academic and professional aspirations;

  • Articulate the different pathways to entrepreneurship including lifestyle businesses, high-tech/high growth entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.

Welcome Letter from Jack M. Wilson


Required text: "Changing the World: Entrepreneurship": by J. M. Wilson (JMW-CTWE) as found on Blackboard and found online at:
      Chapter by Chapter Version:  Changing the World: Entrepreneurship  Chapters  

      Full Text: "Changing the World: Entrepreneurship" by Jack M. Wilson 



Format for the hybrid BMC Business Plan  [Hybrid BMC Business Plan]                         Review Sheet for Exams 1 and 2                 

Technological Entrepreneurship

Global Entrepreneurship

Starting a New Venture

Resources for Entrepreneurship

Business Case Collection

Glossary of Terms

Unicorns 2017
Business Model Canvas Template

Changing the World: Entrepreneurship 
     -How Innovation and Entrepreneurial Behavior
       Changes the World            - Jack M. Wilson



  1. Meet the Entrepreneurs
  2. Why Entrepreneurship Matters
  3. ILinc-Tech. Entrepreneurship
  4. Recognizing Opportunities to Change the World
  5. Social Entrepreneurship
  6. Business Models -How to Organize Your Idea
  7. The Lean Launchpad and Business Model Canvas
  8. Organizing Planning and Pitching your Venture
  9. Finding the Financing for Your Venture
  10. Building Your Team
  11. Needs, Pains, and Solutions
  12. Developing Your Product or Service
  13. Intellectual Property
  14. Marketing -How to Connect to Your Customer
  15. Entrepreneurship and Innovation are Global





Slides and Videos

  1. Meet the Entrepreneurs- Who are they and what motivates them.

  2. Why Entrepreneurship Matters [Video 1]

  3. ILinc-Tech. Entrepreneurship

  4. Opportunity Recognition [Video 2]

  5. Social Entrepreneurship

  6. Introduction to Business Models [Video 3]

  7. Lean Launchpad - Business Model Canvas [Video 4]

  8. Causal Business Planning [Video 5]

  9. Financing and Funding the Venture [Video 9]

  10. Teams [Video 6]

  11.  Needs-Pains-Solutions

  12. New Product Development  [Video 7]

  13. Intellectual Property

  14. Marketing  [Video 8]  

  15. Entrepreneurship is Global



 Review Sheet for Exams 1 and 2


Videos of each class may be found at: 

Pictures of many famous entrepreneurs

Jack M Wilson, Ph.D.,